We believe that
process matters

From our baby food to our snacks and beyond - we believe the HOW is just as important as the WHAT. Our purees look, taste, and smell just like the homemade versions we all had hoped we would make – until baby came. :) Our products are NEVER made with concentrated sugars, repeated high-heat processing, or bland textures, so you don’t have to sacrifice time for health.

We do baby food differently

Conventional jars and pouches use repeated high-heat processing that strips nutrients, texture, and flavor from their foods. Our unique patent-pending process allows us to lock in the taste, texture, and colors of fresh — all in a convenient, grab-and-go packet of food that you can customize to the right texture for your baby.

Our Process Is Simple

Individually sourced and carefully created for optimum nutrition.

We start with whole, organic fruits, vegetables and grains, each individually sourced directly from the growers.

Our expert team of nutritionists, food scientists and chefs collaborate to combine ingredients for optimal taste and nutrition.

Our patent-pending pressure protected technology locks in the taste, texture and vibrant colors of fresh fruits and veggies by gently removing the water.

We grind down the organic whole fruits and veggies to bring them to a convenient powder form.

Customize the texture that’s right for your baby by mixing with breast milk, water, or formula to the the consistency of your choice.

Amara Baby Food Vs. Others

We do smoothie melts differently

Meet the first and only plant-based organic smoothie melt on the market with *no added sugar.

Amara Toddler Melts Vs. Others

With Amara You Get...

Quality Ingredients

Our process doesn’t sacrifice the taste or texture of our ingredients. Let your baby experience the rich textures of Tropical Mango and how different it is from Oats N’ Berries. Real food doesn’t all look and taste the same, and your baby’s shouldn’t either.

No Added Sugar, Ever

Did you know that toddler snacks have an average of 8 grams of ADDED sugar per bag? From our baby food to our toddler snacks, you can trust us for whole ingredients with *no added sugar, ever.

Convenience & Ease

Our baby food and snacks don’t need any refrigeration, so they’re ready when you need them.


At Amara, we believe good food is for everyone. With prices as low as $1.70 per meal, here’s to organic baby food without the fancy price tag.

Studies show your gut microbiome and neural pathways are all established before seven years old.

At Amara, we believe that food choices today impact how we feel, think, and perform tomorrow. These first seven years lay the foundation for healthy habits and healthy eating. That’s why we’re bringing you convenient meals and snacks that fit into your everyday life.

Amara Is Proudly

USDA Organic Certified

Non-GMO Certified

Safe & 3rd-Party Tested

No Added Sugars

No Additives, Preservatives Or Fillers


Organic foods avoids the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics and growth hormones – limiting your baby’s exposure to these harmful substances. Our team takes great care in selecting excellent, certified organic, GMO free ingredients.

We source all of our ingredients individually and directly from manufacturers — we buy our produce primarily from within the U.S., with some ingredients (like mango!) coming from the Americas or Europe. Our ingredients are all certified organic, picked at peak harvest (when they are most nutrient dense and flavorful), and plant-based.

No, instead of the repeated high heat treatments used to produce traditional baby food jars and pouches, our methods ensure that foods hold onto their original nutritional qualities and their same tastes, flavors, and textures — plus, our Nutrition Protection Technology science (NPT for short) does not alter the sugar concentration. 

Amara’s designed with your baby in mind. Customized for your baby’s development - just mix with breastmilk, formula or water to the consistency that’s right for your baby. Our proprietary NPT technology removes water from whole foods to ensure shelf stability — strange as it may seem, our powder baby food is more fresh, more nutrient-dense, and more flavorful than traditional baby foods. It’s easy to prepare, easy to store, and requires 12x less packaging!

Every one of our suppliers meets annual third-party federal requirements and compliance regulations for heavy metals and organic certification, as well as food safety benchmarks and external food safety audits established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Heavy metals exist naturally in soil and water and are found in all foods that grow in the ground (aka, fruits, veggies, and grains). That’s why all of Amara’s foods use 100% certified organic, non-GMO ingredients, which likely have lower levels of heavy metals due to the higher standards for farming practices. If you’re concerned about heavy metals in your baby’s food, you can read more about how to minimize exposure here.

Amara organic yogurt smoothie melts contain no added sugar. Other brands often use added sugar to create a melt-in-mouth feel, with up to 8 grams of added sugar per bag! 

Every baby is different, but on average many are ready to try Amara yogurt melts around 10 months of age. It’s important that your baby can sit independently, pick up and eat finger foods on their own, and chew/mash food well in their mouths before offering yogurt melts. The product is carefully designed to melt in the mouth, but we always recommend careful supervision when feeding snacks and meals. 

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*Not a low calorie food. See nutrition information for sugar and calorie content.
